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Oscar and Newroz Days

A few weeks ago, Rahat, one of our Down's Syndrome kiddies, asked his mother if it was “Oscar and Newroz day”, the day when he goes to Horses for Hope.  I thought about the joy and expectation that brings him. I opened my photo file on my phone and the photo diary impacted me. In my search for pictures of Rahat, and his Oscar and Newroz day, I saw how much we accomplish in the course of a day, in the course of a week. I saw the fullness of every day, everywhere I looked, hope was in the eyes of our students, anticipation, discovery, delight, success, self worth. The list is long.


One of my team shared this week that in coming to work with Springs of Hope, he had walked into love and care he had never known. He had been embraced by our family of which he had quickly become a part. Today I will share just some of the photo diary of this past week. It really is a glimpse as there is much more to share but you will see us from the rising of the sun to its going down. I hope that you too, will sense the love, and will be able to smell the fragrance of hope which we breathe in every day.


As you look at the smiling faces, I pray that you will remember our dark days, the days when blood and rape and torture  and death were part of our every breath, and see how far we have come. I pray that you will see the healing, the captives being set free, the joy that does indeed come in the morning, the beauty that rises from underneath the ashes. We are blessed to live inside this hidden kingdom where healing and miracles are the norm, this kingdom that is an upside down kingdom, tucked away inside a refugee camp where the impossible is happening, day by day and week by week. And where every day is an Oscar and Newroz day, the kind of day that each student exactly needs. 



English in the Hope Garden

Horses of Hope




The Hope Garden: Planting Cucumber Seeds

The Hope Medical Clinic in the Camp

Horses for Hope

The Hope Academy of Music

The Power Girls Stadium Time



Stunning Designs from Sewing Hope

The Faces of Hope



Story Telling Time in the Garden

Picnic Trip

The Hope Medical Clinic

Horses of Hope with Girls Rescued from ISIS

The Hope Academy of Art in War City: 'Perspective' by our Syrian Students



Kidz 4 Hope: Painting the Local Orphanage for Yezidi Children

Learning About the Globe

Shex Dahkil Practicing His Singing for a Dinner We are Hosting Tonight

Horses of Hope with our Sports Team

Horses of Hope with the Orphans

Azez and Aram from Syria Celebrated their Birthday in the Rainbow Zone

Play Therapy Heading to the Garden

Wednesday Night Dinner at Horses for Hope



Daf Class in the Garden

Horses for Hope

English in the Garden

Art at the Stables


Thank you for being there for us, supporting and encouraging us, so that each week can start again, and the wonders can continue to happen, just as they do... by themselves


Can you help?

With your help, we are bringing hope to the lives of so many every week. 


Every donation makes a huge difference.


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