I have many questions. Questions such as this, amongst children and young men and women who have experienced such depths and breadths of suffering that after ten years of doing life with them, I still can not fathom, why is there no bitterness? Why are our rescued kids, our survivors, different from many outside our tribe?
I think of Isaiah 58 which may hold a key. “Share your food with everyone who is hungry, share your home with the poor and homeless. Give clothes to those in need, don’t turn away your relatives. Then your light will shine like the dawning sun and you will quickly be healed.”
Our tribe came from the prison of captivity into our culture of giving. Of giving everything we could, literally until we ran out and then finding something to give again. They at first were the receivers, until by gentle osmosis they learned the joy and blessing of giving and desired to be a part of giving.
They had nothing tangible to give, no clothes, no home, no dollars but they came with us, they came broken and fragile and turned their thoughts and emotions to another tent dweller, to a widow still searching for her son lost somewhere to ISIS, to a handicapped child. As their care became fixed upon the other, as their heart went out, they were healed.
The book of Job tells us that “after Job prayed for his friends the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as before” Job 42: 16. I believe that this is our collective experience, as we give, as we impact lives, and touch broken hearts, those of our students are being healed. In our experience giving and healing go hand in hand.
This week has been one of deliberate giving, of going out of our way to search out the vulnerable who have been overlooked due to their silence during the past decade, and to provide for them before the Yezidi New Year. We give to those who will never be able to repay us, we give to those who will probably never remember our name, we give to those who don't even have a cup of water to give us, we give and we give. And we are healed.
Sewing Hope Giving Clothes for Eid
Giving Within Our Community
In the midst of giving within the Yezidi community, we received a phone call from the headmaster of a Muslim school about 20 minutes drive from our village. He had seen photos of our community service events, of painting schools and provide art and music to the students and wondered whether we could help his school. Salam, Natik and Avya arranged to visit and assess the situation.
Our village is a mix of tents and villas, of poverty and wealth, but there has been an investment in the schools regardless of one’s personal status. This primary school in Dahka village oh so close to us, was off the radar. This school is poor, learning conditions are abysmal. The school consists of 20 students, 8 teachers and five classrooms. There is no security fence to protect the children. There is no concrete floor. I can not imagine studying in the cold of winter and heat of summer. And it has survived like this for sixteen long years, without any outside help.
Words are not needed, you will see for yourselves. It is time to bring an end to the conditions of poverty in which these children are raised. A Kingdom of generosity and provision has to be ushered in.
The Primary School in Dahka Village
I am asking you today to help us pour out yet more giving upon this Kurdish Muslim school. To demonstrate to them that they are seen, noticed and our hearts are stirred when we see their plight. I am asking you to give to their school. We want to bless their socks off. And I guess, we want more healing to break out as it is our staff and students who will go to paint. Our students who will go to bring melody to this dark place. Our students who will plant trees. Our students who will leave legacy here.
The painting of the school inside and out with some decorative elements will cost $700.
To put up a simple block wall around the school perimeter will cost $1,000.
To purchase eight fruit trees for beauty and joy will cost $100.
We are grateful for any help given.
Thank you for your generosity of giving. As Anne Frank said, “No one ever becomes poor by giving.” Our kids live that. They have become whole. And we have become wealthy in spirit.