Fairoz's Paintings
Fairoz is 17 years old, Three years of her life were spent under the harshest of conditions as a slave in captivity to the black flag people. Her captor's house was bombed by multiple air strikes during which she was severely wounded. She is now living in a tent with her brother and sister although most of her family are still held captive.
Fairoz has discovered that she loves to paint. She desires that her painting become a voice for abused and trafficked women. She also loves to sew.
All the paintings on our website are available for sale. Springs of Hope Foundation has established a trust fund for our budding artists. 50% of the sale go directly to the child, 50% is saved for their higher education, college or university. The best gift that we could give them, good start to life.
All paintings can be shipped worldwide via DHL.
You dear viewer set the price. The price of giving a child a future.
Offers over $300. Please contact us with your generous offer.
Please mention painting details when making an offer, thank you.