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The People Who Lived in Darkness

Lindy, our USA Chairperson, recently posed the question to me, "So what has Springs of Hope accomplished in 2021?" I was shocked at her question, thinking that the answer is obvious but it somehow took me to a place of pondering. One does not want the wheels to go round and round, but to find traction and purpose.

That same night our weather went crazy with a massive storm and high winds hitting in. I spent most of my night putting towels down to mop up the water pouring through my windows and wondering whether our newly planted date palms would be standing in the morning.

As daylight broke, the good Doctor texted to suggest that we try to make our way out to the field to check on the trees. He too had been awake with the thud of the rain and howling winds, not to mention concern for our trees.

As we drew close we were halted in our tracks. The skies were black, closed and ominous. Directly above our Horses for Hope property rays of light pierced the clouds, denied the storm and lit up our field. Of course, the light was there, just waiting for us to see and rejoice in!!

I had my answer. "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has dawned." Isaiah 9.

This dear friends, has been the work and the impact of Springs of Hope Foundation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and across the border into persecuted communities of Federal Iraq this year.

We have been honored to bring both light and hope into individual broken lives, into our community, into the village, into the surrounding villages and indeed into the region, for which we are grateful. Light has pierced the darkness of 81,637 Yezidis, Syrias and Christians in Kurdistan and Federal Iraq.

With your help, we will continue to bring the light to our region that sits in darkness.



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