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Thank You

That is all and everything that we wish to say this week. THANK YOU. I write this on Thursday evening, the end of the week. We are so grateful to have been able to purchase a fridge, swamp cooler and gas stove for each of the families whose tents were burned to the ground on Monday evening.

On Wednesday we opened Sewing Hope to the women and girls so that they could choose new designer clothes. Next week we will purchase a fire extinguisher and fire ball for each tent and then assess remaining needs.

It has been a feat, and I am also grateful to a dedicated team who have simply pushed through. This end of the world comes with its own craziness, such as banks wanting proof of purchase prior to releasing finance. No comment. That took a lot of juggling, but with the aid of a good shopkeeper, the gates opened and we were able to fulfill our mission.

So thank you dear friends. Thank you for caring for these rejected people in Northern Iraq still living in danger after ten years of tent living. Thank you for your huge hearts. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your radical generosity which is a huge statement to every survivor of this fire.

Thank you.

With gratitude, appreciation and love from everyone of us here at Springs of Hope.


The Devastation



New Tents Going Up


Distribution of Appliances


Sewing Hope: Giving New Dresses to the Victims of the Fire


Can you help?


With your amazing generosity, we are able to bring help and comfort during these devastating emergencies.

Every donation makes a huge difference.


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